Huper Optik

Huper Optik USA is the world leader in nanoceramic window films across multiple applications. Let us help you create the perfect window.

How an Energy Audit Can Help Organizations Save

Energy Modeling, Measurement, and Verification

Many people want to save money by cutting down on their energy usage.

Some people see this is a great way to leave a smaller carbon footprint, but still have concerns about the true financial benefits of making changes.

Our window films are designed to limit the amount of heat and UV rays which enter a home or office. We can provide you with a detailed measurement so you’ll know how these changes will help you reduce your energy bill and by how much. By relying on measurements and hard data, customers can ensure they’re getting a return on their investment.

Our Window Films Reduce Energy Usage

Homes and businesses alike rely on their air conditioners to keep indoor climates comfortable. These units also improve air quality and make an area more hygienic. Unfortunately, there are some factors which can make it hard for an air conditioner to perform well.

On a hot day, the sun’s rays can beam through windows, blinds, and curtains to warm up any room in a hurry. Since an air conditioner must compete with this heat, it will have to work harder and consume more energy.

Our window films can reduce your energy usage by up to 40%. By blocking a large amount of the heat and harmful rays from coming inside, we help you beat the heat and lower your monthly energy bills.

How Do You Know It’s Working?

After you get a few energy bills, it is easy to see the chance that our products can make. But some people want a little more assurance before they make a switch. We can perform an energy audit to help you understand exactly how you’ll save.

With artist renderings, reports, and case studies, we have everything necessary to back up our product with the reliable data buyers look for. Making a switch to window films can help you reduce energy usage, and our system will show you just how much you can save.

Energy-efficient products are great for saving people money, and our energy audit can provide you the specifics about how you’ll benefit.

To find out more about our energy-efficient window films and energy audit procedures, contact Hüper Optik today.

How Window Film Controls The Suns Heat

How Window Films Can Lower Energy Bills

Dealing with the heat is tough, especially if you’re doing it without any help.

Most people think all they need is a quality air conditioner. But even if your home or business has a sufficient HVAC unit, the cost of such a system can be a problem on its own.

There are ways to reduce your dependency on air conditioning and ensure your unit doesn’t have to strain as hard. Our window films can keep the heat from easily entering your home or business as easily, allowing you to keep the area more comfortable and reduce monthly energy bills by up to 90%.

Why Energy Bills Can Soar When It Gets Hot

Logic would dictate that warmer temperatures means people rely more on their air conditioners. While this makes sense, some people can’t understand why their air conditioning unit is underperforming and struggling to maintain an even, comfortable temperature throughout a building.

Even if the area is small and the air conditioner is powerful, warm days can lead to heat coming through windows constantly. This means that for every bit of cool air pumped into a room via the AC, there is hot air beaming through windows by the sun.

The result is a situation where owners rely heavily on their air conditioners for hours at a time. The result can be soaring energy bills, even with efficient units. 

Controlling Heat with Window Film

Since windows are roughly the same as gaping openings in terms of how heat can come through them, adding window film is a very efficient solution. This small modification can help you keep heat out of your home or office consistently. 

By cutting down the amount of heat taken into an area to a fraction of what it regularly is, our high-quality ceramic window films make it easier for your air conditioner to do its job. With less heat to compete with, the cool air can spread around any home or office quicker.

Once you protect yourself against the heat, you’ll find it is much easier to use your air conditioner without worrying. This cost-efficient move can provide you long-term benefits as your energy bills stay lower over time.

To find out more about window film for your home or office, contact Hüper Optik today!

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